A great tutoring system
for children, teenagers, or adults
who struggle with
spelling, reading, and writing

What do these organizations all have in common?  

International Dyslexia Association

Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity

Decoding Dyslexia Organization

They all agree that the way to address dyslexia is through an Orton-Gillingham approach that involves an almost surgical understanding of morphemes, phonemes, syntax, sound-symbol awareness, and explicit instruction.

The Barton program used here at DART is an Orton-Gillingham based method.

To start, here’s an overview from Susan Barton herself, in video format.
This video, also by Susan Barton, is much longer, but has far more useful information.
If you find you want even more information, Susan Barton has a website that is rich with resources. You could spend many weeks here and still not see everything.

The good news about the Barton program is that you do not have to have an official diagnosis. If your child struggles with reading or spelling, this will help. And since it is paid for by the parents, the restrictions that a public school might require are simply not present here. If you believe the program would be of value, I will happily consider your child.

contact me anytime

Carol Barnier